Now, let’s move on to the second part: learning the different segments of Facebook’s algorithm.
I want you to start by answering the following question:
Are you an active or a passive user? (And no, you can’t be both!)
The difference between the two lies not in how many hours are spent on the platform but in how those hours are being used.
A passive user could easily devote just as much time to a platform as the active one but the main difference is that nobody will ever know.
That’s because active users engages with others. They’re actively part of the community and make sure to engage with the posts that appear on their newsfeeds. Either by commenting, sharing or liking. Passive users, on the other hand, do none of this. They might be scrolling through their newsfeed and see something funny. Yet instead of giving it a like, they’ll simply laugh to themselves.
As you can probably already guess, I can’t stress enough how important it is to be an active user. By engaging with the posts of others, you can let Facebook know what it is that you want to see. This way your newsfeed will be filled with relevant information.
Are you active but not entirely sure if you’re doing the right things? Then I’d like to give you some much-needed Facebook CPR*!
*No worries! I won’t be crawling through your screen to give you a pucker on the lips. It’s a simple but useful acronym:
1. Comment
As of today, I want you to actively comment on posts. Every single day. You can do this from anywhere but I highly recommend making use of the toilet technique. After all, we all go to the toilet on a daily basis, don’t we? Well, next time get out your phone and start writing! Simply spending a few minutes each day to curate thoughtful, funny or quirky comments goes a long way.
2. Post
Post every day. Whether it’s in a group, on a page or on your own personal profile. Make sure to publish something on a daily basis!
3. Reply
If someone is nice enough to leave a comment on your post, make sure to reply. Even better if you ask them a question and create an actual conversation. After all, conversation creates community. Your number of comments will go up and anyone that comes across your post will be more enticed to join in on the discussion.