Learn How To Prospect 10 Strangers In A Week With Minimal Effort
by Frazer Brookes
Whether you want more sales conversations, less time-wasting, or more loyal customers. Improving your current lead generation system will help you greatly! So, are you ready to take your business to the next level? Then keep on reading and find out how to prospect more effectively! 
Tip! Don’t have a lot of time right now? Then start out by quickly checking out the summary at the bottom!
Prospecting 10 Strangers In A Week: Three Simple Steps
Find, connect and introduce. These are the three steps.
  • Step 1: Find the people to talk to.
  • Step 2: Connect with them.
  • Step 3: Introduce them to your business.
Suspect vs Prospect
Before we delve into the different steps, I’d like to explain the difference between a suspect and a prospect because, although they might initially seem similar, they differ greatly.

I’ll recite my dad’s wise words who always used to say to me:

“Frazer, if you hand out your business card to someone and they don’t offer theirs in return, that’s very suspect. But when you give someone your business card and they connect back with you by sharing their details, then you have a prospect.”

Do you see the difference? A suspect isn’t actually interested in buying the products you’re selling and is just wasting your time and energy.

Of course, this isn’t just limited to handing out business cards. Adding people on Facebook or reaching out to them on Instagram are also valid ways of prospecting strangers (and identifying suspects.)
Step 1: Find, Add, Message (F.A.M.)
F.A.M.: the handy acronym to remember the first steps in the prospecting process.

Find → add → message

You start out by searching for potential prospects on social media. This can be wherever and however has your fancy: in groups, on news feeds, or through Instagram hashtags. 

Found someone? Then the next step is to add them and send them a short message. This may almost seem laughably easy but please note that each step is of vital importance and that they must be executed in this specific order.

Finding and adding someone and then simply praying that they’ll contact you won’t work. Why? Because it’s not F.A.P.!

No, you’ll have to put in work.

You’re the instigator and have to contact every single stranger to let them know WHY you clicked that add button. (An extra advantage to messaging is that you’ll look less like a potential stalker!)

This message doesn’t need to be complicated.

A simple “Hey Bob, I saw you also live in Liverpool. I’m looking to connect with people in the area and thought it would be cool to reach out to you. How are things?” or “Hey Bob, I noticed you also like to travel! I thought it would be cool to connect. How are things?” already suffice.

Usually at least one out of ten will message you back but it goes without saying that this depends greatly on you and your skills. The more influence you have and the better your profile looks, the bigger the chance of receiving a reply.

Not happy with these seemingly low numbers? Then I have a little hack for you!
If Bob has an active story make sure to check it out and leave a comment or a love heart before sending a message. This makes your message more personal and greatly improves your chance of getting a response.
Tip! You’ll recognise a story as a blue ring around the profile picture on Facebook or a pink one on Instagram.
Step 2: Connect
Now, if the goal is to prospect ten people a week then you’ll need to connect with a lot more than that. A lot more.

To get one distributor and four customers, for example, you can expect to have a conversation with around 30 to 40 people. “What’s up with all these numbers?”, you may wonder. Well, I’m going in-depth with them as business is built on numbers, not by people.

However grim it may sound: people lie, numbers don’t. And that, my friends, is nothing but the truth. Now, let’s continue!
Business is built on numbers, not by people.
In a previous video I explained the importance of having activity-based goals instead of results-based ones.

Usually prospecting ten people would be an activity-based goal but in this specific example it isn’t. It’s a result. And we need to create the right activity to be able to reach it.

After having done some serious research I discovered that in order to hold 30 to 40 conversations a week, you need to add a zero to those numbers. Or in other words: you need to F.A.M. 300 to 400 strangers a week to have a conversation with 30 to 40 of them.

So, let’s trace this back to our initial goal of prospecting ten strangers. Just as with the previous example, all you need to do is add a zero to that number, meaning that you’ll have to contact 100 people a week.

Sounds daunting? Well, hang in there because it’s anything but! Trust me on this one.

After all, contacting 100 people a week shouldn’t take you more than a mere 20 minutes a day. How do I know this?

Simple: as I want to share nothing but the truth with you, I’ve made sure to put it to the test. I gathered a number of different groups on a Zoom call and gave them the following instructions:
“On the count of three I want you to F.A.M. as many people as possible. You have exactly five minutes! Ready? 1, 2, 3!”

For the next five minutes hundreds of people found, added, and messages as many strangers as they could, keeping track of every successful F.A.M. job on a separate sheet of paper.

Want to guess what the average was? Two you say? Anybody bidding higher?

You should because the answer is a whopping five! Which means that you can F.A.M. one person a minute!
Every minute you can F.A.M. someone.
So, let’s do the math. If we can F.A.M. one person a minute and we need to reach 100 people a week then that should take us no more than 100 minutes a week. And if we work five days a week then that’s a mere 20 minutes per day!

Now let’s be honest: freeing up 20 minutes a day is more than doable, right? See, I told you you can trust me.
Step 3: Introduce
To finish the prospecting process you need to introduce yourself and your business to your new potential customer. And what better way to do this than by asking a question?

- Part 1: You start with:
“Hey Bob, just curious. Would you be open to checking out some more information on...”

- Part 2: followed by:
“an exciting opportunity?”
“an exciting way to make more money on social media?”
“how to spend more time with your kids?”

- Part 3: and ending with:
"No worries if not. I just thought I would ask."

Shouldn’t be too hard, right? Now all you need to do is wait for their reply and then a conversation can ensue.
Quick Recap 
Time for a quick recap on how to prospect ten strangers in a week!
  • Step 1: You find, add, and message 100 people a day.
  • Step 2: You connect with them based on their reply to your message and turn a stranger into a friend.
  • Step 3: You introduce them to your business by asking them a straightforward question.
And that’s all there is to it. Simple, yet effective.

Before you know it, you’ll have several new customers who strongly support your company. And all you had to do was (read this article and) free up 20 minutes a day!
To sum it all up:
If you’d like to learn more about the ins and outs of prospecting, I highly recommend getting a copy of my book “I dare you”. It’s the ultimate guide on how to grow your business as efficiently as possible.

Any questions? Write a comment below and I’ll make sure to respond as soon as possible!
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