Having built my business on social media and currently working with thousands of Network Marketers from all over the world it has been very clear to me that the way we need to use social media to build our businesses has completely changed.
Back in 2010 and 2011 it was as easy as writing a post to see if people would like to join...
...But doing that now, makes you look weak and desperate!
Then Attraction Marketing became the big thing. People creating killer content to get more likes, to look good and have people message them to see how you were living this great live.
However, the level of authenticity was dropping and some people started to look right through it!
Recently the rise of highly engaging content has become the big thing.
First with Live video and now with Story type content.
These types of content are creating super high engagement compared to photos and text based content and so is generating the next wave of social media growth which I can sum up as:
Authenticity is shining through, it is the number weapon in any marketing strategy. Real people sharing their real life, to other real people!
It's time for Network Marketers to wake up to the right way of doing things online...
I want to hold you by the hand to ensure you take the right action to win and win BIG in your Network Marketing business using stories!